Non-mutating sequence operations
Standard Template Library Reference
Sorting and searching
STL Algorithm Datasheets
Non-mutating sequence operations
Apply a function to all elements in a sequence
Find an element satisfying a condition in a sequence
Find the first consecutive duplicate in a sequence
Count the number of elements satisfying a condition in a sequence
Find the first mismatch between two sequences
Check two sequences for element by element equality
Find the first match of a subsequence with a sequence
Mutating sequence operations
Copy one sequence into another sequence
Exchange values or ranges
Transform a sequence, or two sequences, into a new sequence
Replace specified elements of a sequence
Fill a range with copies of a value
Fill a range with generated values
Remove elements from a sequence
Remove consecutive duplicates from a sequence
Reverse a sequence
Rotate elements in a sequence
Randomly shuffle elements in a sequence
Partition with elements that satisfy a predicate first
Sorting and related operations
Sort a range (unstably, stably, or partially)
Place element in location where it would be sorted
Find bounds for, or location of, a value in a sorted sequence
Merge two sorted sequences
Set operations on sorted sequences
Heap operations
Finding minimum and maximum elements
Determine the lexicographical ordering of two sequences
Generate permutations of a sequence
Generalized numeric operations
Accumulate all elements in a sequence
Calculate the inner product of the elements in two sequences
Compute partial sums of one sequence into another sequence
Compute a sequence from its partial sums into another sequence
Algorithm Animations
Kenny Zalewski
Mon May 13 04:03:40 EDT 1996