template <class InputIterator, class OutputIterator> OutputIterator copy(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, OutputIterator result); template <class BidirectionalIterator1, class BidirectionalIterator2> BidirectionalIterator2 copy_backward(BidirectionalIterator1 first, BidirectionalIterator1 last, BidirectionalIterator2 result);
Description The copy function copies all of the elements in the range [ first, last) to the range of size n beginning at result , where n is the size of the range [ first, last) , and returns the past-the-end iterator. For copy , the source and destination ranges may overlap if result first.
The copy_backward function copies all of the values in the range [ first, last) to the range of size n ending at result , where n is the size of the range [ first, last) , and returns the iterator that contains the last element copied (i.e. the beginning of the sequence). For copy_backward , the source and destination ranges may overlapcopy!overlapping ranges if result last.
Type requirements
Group Mutating sequence operations.
Time complexity Linear.
The number of type T assignment operations performed is n, where T is the type of the sequence values.
Space complexity Constant.
Mutative? Yes.
Example Select here to view the source code for the example.
Implementation Select here to view source code (Copyright (C) 1994, Hewlett-Packard Company) for this algorithm.