template <class ForwardIterator> inline void rotate(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator middle, ForwardIterator last); template <class ForwardIterator, class OutputIterator> OutputIterator rotate_copy(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator middle, ForwardIterator last, OutputIterator result);
Description Given the sequence in the range [ first, last) , a sequence with each element
moved to the original location of the element is created, where m is the size of the range [ first, middle) and n is the size of the range [ first, last) .
For the function rotate , this sequence is created in the range [ first, last) .
For the function rotate_copy, this sequence is created in the range the range of size n beginning at result , where n is the size of the range [ first, last) , and the past-the-end iterator of the resulting sequence is returned.
Type requirements
Group Mutating sequence operations.
Time complexity Linear.
For the rotate function, exactly element exchanges are performed, where m is the size of the range [ first, middle) and n is the size of the range [ first, last) .
For the rotate_copy function, exactly n assignment operations are performed, where n is the size of the range [ first, last) .
Space complexity Constant.
Mutative? Yes.
Example Select here to view the source code for the example.
Implementation Select here to view source code (Copyright (C) 1994, Hewlett-Packard Company) for this algorithm.
Implementation notes For the rotate function, the two subsequences in the ranges [ first, middle)
and [ middle, last) are reversed , and then the entire sequence in the range [ first, last) is reversed .
For the rotate_copy function, the range [ middle, last) is copied first, and then the range [ first, middle) is copied immediately following it.