template <class ForwardIterator, class T> void fill(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, const T& value); template <class OutputIterator, class T> void fill_n(OutputIterator first, size_t n, const T& value);
Description The fill function fills the range [ first, last) with copies of value.
The fill_n function fills the first n locations in the range [ first, last) with copies of value.
Type requirements
Group Mutating sequence operations.
Time complexity Linear.
The number of assignments is the size of the range [ first, last) for the fill function, and n for the fill_n function.
Space complexity Constant.
Mutative? Yes.
Example Select here to view the source code for the example.
Implementation Select here to view source code (Copyright (C) 1994, Hewlett-Packard Company) for this algorithm.