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Compiling programs that use STL

  STL makes very aggressive use of the template feature of C++, and currently only a few compilers are capable of compiling programs that use STL. Unfortunately these do not include the GNU g++ compiler or the SUN CC compiler.

Currently there are two compilers  on RCS that compile STL well. On RS6000 workstations use IBM's xlC compiler. You must also tell xlC where to find the STL include files, by putting -I followed by the directory path on the command line:

    xlC prog.C -I/dept/cs/cs2/stl

To make this more convenient, copy the shell script xstl from /dept/cs/cs2 into the directory you are compiling from. Then you can just say

    xstl prog.C

In Emacs, after typing M-x compile replace make -k with xstl prog.C.

On SUN workstations use the Apogee Software, Inc compiler, /dept/cs/bin/apCC. Again you must tell apCC where to find the STL include files, by putting -I followed by the directory path on the command line:

    /dept/cs/bin/apCC prog.C -I/dept/cs/cs2/stl

To make this more convenient, copy the shell script astl from /dept/cs/cs2 into the directory you are compiling from. Then you can just say

    astl prog.C

In Emacs, after typing M-x compile replace make -k with astl prog.C.

Kenny Zalewski
Mon May 13 04:03:40 EDT 1996